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Eurythmy practice guide (GEP)

The eurythmy exercises are related to the content and development of the weekly theme and the everyday exercise.

With the help of the videos you can become acquainted with the exercises. Later it is helpful for you to do the exercises from memory or with the help of the exercise list.

The eurythmy exercises are related to the content and development of the weekly theme and the everyday exercise. We recommend that you practice the eurythmy exercises alongside the everyday exercise.

The GEPs of Good Eurythmy Practice *

How to begin

  • Take time to arrive at yourself.
  • Allow your body to respond and notice how it feels being seen.

What to pay attention to

  • Don't lose yourself in the tasks. Stay connected with yourself.
  • Try to do what you understood. Avoid imitating what you see.
  • Trying is what matters. Your body will take care of the rest.
  • At the end of an exercise, let your arms come back to your center.
  • Allow your breath to respond and only then let go.

What to look out for

  • Try to perceive how counterflows are at work.
  • Allow the inner counterflows to arise through being present in your body.
  • Counterflows happen simultaneously, or as a result of letting go.
  • Have you experienced moments when you felt like you didn't do the movement yourself?
  • Do you notice becoming upright from an exercise.
    That's the aim!
  • Does your body express gratitude? In what way?
    Just notice it.

How to end

  • Keep alive what you have been doing and sit down mindfully.
  • Listen to what is resonating within your body.
  • It is not important that you have many perceptions while listening.
  • For example, ask yourself which shoulder feels wider or higher than the other?
  • Any little impression or inner feeling is equally important.
  • Allow yourself to be surprised!
  • Your body is a human being too!
  • Just like you, it gains strength when it feels seen.

* We use the term GEP (Good Eurythmy Practices) according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) regulations. GMP guidelines provide minimum requirements that a manufacturer must meet to prevent harm from occurring to the end user. The GEP guidelines care for the benefit of the practitioner.