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Course Content
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Week 1 New Exercises
Every Day O-E-M-L-I-B-D5:18
Monday O15:37
Tuesday E12:48
Wednesday M16:08
Thursday L12:58
Friday I-B-D12:23
All Exercises1:15:34
0 / 7
Week 2 Repetition
Every Day O-E-M-L-I-B-D3:21
Monday O14:01
Tuesday E13:10
Wednesday M15:29
Thursday L12:35
Friday I-B-D10:23
All Exercises1:09:23
0 / 7
Week 3 New Exercises
Every Day O-E-M-L-I-B-D4:24
Monday O-E20:02
Tuesday M20:31
Wednesday L13:46
Thursday I-B17:05
Friday D9:06
All Exercises1:25:19
0 / 7
Week 4 Repetition
Every Day O-E-M-L-I-B-D4:48
Monday O-E18:12
Tuesday M14:49
Wednesday L16:31
Thursday I-B13:32
Friday D11:29
All Exercises1:20:00
0 / 5
Week 5 New Exercises
Every Day O-E-M-L-I-B-D3:09
Tuesday M13:24
Thursday Aei-B14:00
Friday B-D8:14
All Exercises1:16:39
0 / 6
Week 6 Repetition
Every Day O-E-M-L-I-B-D13:21
Monday O-E12:52
Tuesday M11:29
Wednesday L11:29
Thursday I-B-D16:15
All Exercises1:05:48
Tuesday E
Please remember to adapt the exercises to your needs and possibilities. The effect comes from the inner calm and participation with which you do the exercises, not from the outer performance. You can:
- perform movements reduced in size.
- only indicate the movements.
- only participate with your body sensation.
- participate standing and walking.
- or sitting on the edge of a chair.
- or lying and only watching.
- practice for ten minutes or just one minute.
If you have questions, ask them in the forum, then everyone will benefit from the answers.