Living with Cancer

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... is a physical, mental and spiritual challenge

We are, as far as living with cancer is concerned, on the road together! We are all personally disposed to it today. No one can escape it.


A comprehensive therapy for living with cancer first takes into account the physical side of the disease. All cells in our body carry life. They have autonomy to maintain themselves and to grow. At the same time, they arrange themselves into a higher principle to form a living human body that gives them a home. This requires a constant balance between opposing processes in every part of the body. This keeps the human being healthy.


Special consideration needs to be given to the mental side, which can show itself in fears, worries, fatigue, lack of strength, anger and depression:

  • Swallowed tears, pent-up suffering, shock effects jam us back, press our breath, and inhalation dominates over exhalation. Too much carbon dioxide causes too much plant-like growth in the organism.

  • Doubt, despair, disorientation. Having lost oneself, no longer perceiving oneself, not trusting oneself with anything. Fear, loneliness, social withdrawal. The sense of the whole fades, small things grow into the big, become threatening and seem insurmountable.


But also the spiritual level with its questions about meaning, about where from and where to, wants to be included. Pain wants to make us aware of imbalances, calls us to open ourselves to change, to get in touch with ourselves and to apply the forces of our heart and reconciliation lovingly to our own being.